How to be IMMUNE to Pathogens | DrEricBergDC

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today we’re going to talk about a couple

things number one

the single biggest destroyer of your

immune system and number two what can

you do to strengthen your immune system

so strong that you can get through

anything your immune system is immune to

pathogens viruses bacteria yeast fungus

candida things like that but to do that

you have to understand a little bit

about the immune system but it’s

actually not a bad thing to get sick

okay that’s just your immune system

responding to a pathogen so many people

um when they get sick they get freaked

out to think oh my gosh my immune system

is not working no it is working it’s

fighting things off the problem comes in

when your immune system can’t handle it

or the infection goes on too long or you

end up with all sorts of residual side

effects from this infection but the fact

that your body is responding to

something is a normal response you want

that and this is how you develop an

immune system over time this is why they

call it the required immune system which

is one part of the immune system you

have the immune system that you’re born

with called the innate immune system

that your mother gave you but then you

have this other system that you have to

develop over time by being exposed to

certain pathogens so let’s first start

with uh co-morbidities right those are

all the things that can make you

susceptible to having more problems if

you get sick the biggest thing that

would be high blood pressure believe it

or not then you have heart disease

diabetes which also includes problems

like insulin resistance

obesity COPD then you have HIV which is

a really big problem you have immune

deficiency you have you don’t have your

full immune system there

um unfortunately so you also have like

cancer and autoimmune disease

inflammatory conditions you have liver

problems kidney problems all of these

things can lead to really poor outcomes

if you get sick yet a lot of those

conditions I just mentioned are

connected to the consumption of sugar

carbohydrates and this is why even

consuming sugar has a huge dampening

effect on your immune system now the

other thing I want to mention is your

microbiome your friendly bacteria in

your gut and throughout your body what

type of influence are these microbes

over your immune system well just so

happens it’s a huge influence over your

immune system some people claim that

it’s up to 70 to 80 percent of your

immune system but it’s hard to know that

for sure we do know that when you lose

the microbiome like after an antibiotic

boy you are really susceptible to having

all sorts of secondary infections and

you have a definite lowered immune

system and so the microbiome is really


in keeping your immune system strong and

also helping you and it’s pretty

interesting that it’s not even part of

your body it’s these other entities

these microbes that are working for you

and especially when you get an

autoimmune diseases right there’s a huge

correlation between gut issues and

autoimmune issues and an autoimmune

issue is definitely immune related so

your own cells your white blood cells

work together with these microbes that

are friendly and they both give you

immune support and the next thing I want

to talk about is the three nutrients

that are vital to keep your immune

system strong and you have zinc okay

which is very important involved in

hundreds of different enzymatic

reactions but if you’re low in zinc you

have thymus which is like your training

camp for your white blood cells starts

to shrink in atrophy so we desperately

need enough zinc also zinc is involved

in the quantity of your white blood

cells as as well as the weapons that

your white blood cells create to kill

off pathogens and you can easily get

zinc from beef salmon and definitely

Seafood oysters

but you become deficient in zinc when

you eat like foods with phytic acid like

the grains for example that would be the

breads the pastas of cereal crackers Etc

now vitamin C is another really

important vitamin and I would recommend

taking it from a food-based form you can

get it from many different foods but

leafy greens sauerkraut has tons of

vitamin C vitamin C will decrease the

duration of an infection it helps to arm

the white blood cells the resources it

needs in fact your white blood cells

have like a hundred times more vitamin C

than your blood so your defenses need

this vitamin C for a lot of different

functions to fight off pathogens and you

have a lord resistance against pathogens

also there’s this condition called

phagocytosis where your immune system

gobbles up and eats pathogens right it

needs vitamin C to do that job so

vitamin C is very very important but the

most important nutrient out of all of

them is the next one one which is

vitamin D vitamin D is like the key

thing that modulates an immune reaction

so if your immune system is overreacting

vitamin D will kind of put the fire out

like in a cytokine storm where your

immune system is out of control vitamin

D can put the fire out in a vitamin D

deficiency you are very susceptible to

getting sick this is why people get more

infections during the winter months

because there’s not enough Sun out and

if you’re deficient in vitamin D your

susceptibility to getting autoimmune

diseases goes way up so the sun will

give you vitamin D okay cod liver oil

salmon but it’s really hard to get

vitamin D from your food now there’s

something else I want to share but I’m

going to tell you this without telling

you all of it but you can read between

the lines there’s a

fairly recent study that was published

in June 5th 2022 right that’s this year

called adverse effects of fill in the

blank vaccine

and measures to prevent them okay I’m

just going to tell you two lines from

this paper okay you can read the rest

down below

but this study showed that immune

function among vaccinated individuals

eight months after the administration of

two doses of fill in the blank vaccine

was lower than among unvaccinated


these findings were more pronounced in

older individuals and individuals with

pre-existing conditions so vaccines can

weaken your immune system as well and

let me just add one more line to that

according to the Europeans medicines

agency’s recommendations

frequent fill in the blank booster shots

could adversely affect the immune system

and may not be feasible now normally I

don’t talk about that topic for various

reasons but I will say that this paper

came out with some hardcore data and you

should check it out all right so now

let’s talk about the biggest thing that

can destroy your immune system okay

and the answer is a very certain type of

stress called bereavement hands down out

of all the stresses someone can


a loss of a loved one is at the top of

the list most the study on this topic

relates to what it does to your immune

system it basically shuts down the

immune system it also elevates cortisol

which causes a paralysis of your immune

system literally when cortisol is raised

up your immune system goes into shock

mode it just doesn’t work anymore in


nearly a hundred percent of the people

that I’ve talked to with autoimmune


and chronic immune problems always had

some type of loss that occurred just

before that event but you have other

stresses as well you can have loss of a

job loss of money bankruptcy you can be

in various stressful situations that can

create a similar type effect on your

cortisol so if you’re interested in

trying to keep your immune system as

strong as possible you must do things to

reduce your stress as much as possible

so let me just go through the list

really quickly on what I would recommend

number one

do whatever you can to handle your

stress if you had a major loss then you

have to literally spend a lot of time

you know walking through Parks getting

into nature just getting your attention

off um that loss

um I’ve done extensive videos on what to

do you have to work on your adrenals

ashwagandha is important vitamin B1 is

vital and lots of it as well number two

sleep right the more sleep you get the

less stress you’re going to have the

less cortisol you’ll have so sleep is

very very important then the next thing

is that vitamin D

vitamin C and zinc as far as Vitamin D

especially through the winter months I

would take as a maintenance dosage 10

000 IUS of vitamin D3 okay I would take

at least 50 milligrams of zinc

I would also take Vitamin C I wouldn’t

take just the minimum I would probably

take two or three hundred milligrams

of vitamin C per day and make sure that

it’s a natural version now if you’re

getting enough greens then you don’t

need to necessarily add a lot of vitamin

C if you’re getting beef if you’re

getting Seafood shellfish you don’t

really need to add zinc if you’re

getting enough sun outside you don’t

necessarily have to add D but during the

winter months it’s difficult all right

number four get on the ketogenic diet

why because just getting off sugar will

greatly help your immune system and


high blood pressure the Obesity the

visceral fat the inflammation the fatty

liver diabetes the kidney problems and

other liver problems and then the next

thing is fasting fasting by itself can

greatly strengthen your immune system if

you did a three-day fast okay you’re

literally on your way to creating a new

immune system so if you could do that

occasionally it would be the best thing

for your immune system all right number

six is getting exposure to Sun not just

from vitamin D but from another

wavelength called infrared which builds

up your melatonin which can greatly help

your immune system as well as help your

sleep and number seven eat foods that

can build up your microbiome like

sauerkraut fermented vegetables pickles

or take a probiotic especially during

the winter to help strengthen your

immune system because those microbes are

a big influence over your immune system

now if you haven’t seen this video on

getting rid of stress you should check

it out it’s pretty pretty awesome and

very comprehensive I put it up right
