Receding Gums and Vitamin C Explained By Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys in this video we’re going to talk about receding gums and vitamin C

receding gums is a vitamin C deficiency so let’s talk about that vitamin C has a

lot to do with protein building specifically collagen and when you lose

the collagen your gums start to recede and there’s too much tooth and there’s

not enough gum if you look at the arteries for example and you get a

little lesion or a leaky space between the little cells

that’s a vitamin C deficiency because you’re losing the collagen Junction so

vitamin C helps those cellular junctions become really really tight in your

intestines you need vitamin C to keep the the junctions tight prevent leaky

gut leaky gut is normally a vitamin C deficiency okay

so bacteria for example do they’re a negative effect through proteolytic

enzymes basically those are enzymes to break down proteins vitamin C counters

the effect of the proteolytic enzymes so basically that’s why when you’re sick

and you take vitamin C you get better because they reduce the toxic effect

from bacteria in fact the white blood cell which is your immune cell has more

vitamin C carries more vitamin C than any other cell in the body because it

needs this vitamin C to protect you so when you brush your teeth in it and you

bleed easily that is a vitamin C deficiency they call that scurvy there’s

many other symptoms with vitamin C deficiencies but receding gums is a very

common symptom so how do you become vitamin C deficient

number one you can have high levels of insulin like you have insulin resistance

you’re pre-diabetic or you’re an actual diabetic or you consume a lot of junk

food that will do it right there or it could be that you’re consuming sulfa

drugs which are antibiotics certain antibiotics or you’re just not consuming

enough vitamin C from your food so sauerkraut has the most vitamin C

fermented vegetables vegetables in general and also bell peppers one of my

favorite vegetables is the bell pepper so I get mine from the farmers market

because they’re smaller they’re way more nutritious and they

actually taste really good so I’ll consume like five ideas in one fitting

so a couple of benefits of vitamin C it also will help you reduce the toxic

effect of hyperthyroidism it will also help reduce histamine that’s why it’s

great for the common cold there’s the sinus issues when you’re coughing when

you have allergies vitamin C is really really helpful also vitamin C will

increase the oxygen in your body so if you’re going up a flight of stairs and

you’re going to breath easily you need vitamin C so just make sure you don’t

consume vitamin C from a pill get it from food because most vitamin C

supplements are synthetic alright thanks for watching hi guys hey listen I

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