Solve Diabetes Overnight Understanding This Simple.... | DrEricBergDC

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so I’m back in today I’m gonna answer a

question by a lady who called in and she

had a big confusion about diabetes she

was a diabetic type 2 and she watched

some of my videos but she was still

confused about the cause-and-effect

relationship she’s on medication and I

have a lot of videos on this topic

but I’m gonna try to make it really

really simple so anyone could really

grasp it okay so today we’re going to

talk about how to solve diabetes

overnight with just a simple

understanding of several links okay you

have the pancreas okay it’s located

right here it makes a few hormones

it makes enzymes and then the hormone

that we’re gonna talk about is insulin

insulin lowers the blood sugar okay so

it produces this insulin hormone goes

into the cell and then what happens it

once it lowers a blood sugar because

insulin is triggered by glucose or sugar

same thing what happens is it sends a

signal back turning the pancreas off

everything’s cool everything works but

what happens if you keep consuming carbs

or sugar and it becomes more and more

your body considers it toxic okay so as

a way of protecting itself it starts to

resist the insulin okay so this is too

much sugar going in there’s too much

insulin it’s toxic

so that’s called insulin resistance so

what happens is now we don’t get the

feedback loops back to the pancreas

there’s no return communication so the

pancreas to make this connect starts

producing more and more insulin to

create the same effect while this is

happening we have a lot of insulin and

we have insulin resistance

we still have normal blood sugar okay so

you check your blood and it’s normal

because we have this resistance that’s

buffering all this excess insulin

because if you didn’t have that you

would have a massive hypoglycemic

reaction you have low blood sugar

because the insulin drives the sugar

lower so you have carbs increase insulin

and some resistance now over a period of

time maybe I don’t know five to ten


your your pancreas gets tired it becomes

exhausted to the point where it’s

overwhelmed so when it starts to burn

out we no longer have enough insulin so

now it’s the instants gonna go down well

if you keep eating the sugar your blood

sugars are gonna start going higher

that’s pre-diabetes and then even higher

diabetes okay so that’s kind of the

mechanism and then we have medications

we have certain medications for diabetes

that increase or stimulate the cells to

make more insulin other medications that

help the receptor for insulin help to

receive it metformin for example and

then you have other diabetic medications

that basically cause the sugar to be

released through the urine so it just

dumps more sugar to help your body get

rid of it that way it’s interesting this

medication actually puts your body into

ketosis interesting okay so that’s

that’s what medicine is trying to do

it’s trying to treat things but it’s

treating them lay down the chain of

events so what do we know we know that

the original problem is too much insulin

we know that carbs increase insulin and

we know the diabetic medication treats

the later effects of this chain reaction

so it basically treats the symptoms of

high insulin but why the high carbs why

are we consuming so many high carbs

well the dietitians are following the

Dietary Guidelines by the USDA and

they’re recommending that 45 the 60% of

all of our calories should be in the

form of carbohydrates that comes out to

on average between 225 and 325 grams of

carbohydrate that is a massive massive

amount okay then we have guys like this

professor Tom Sanders head of diabetes

and nutrition science division in the

School of Medicine at King’s College in


suti says diabetes increases risk of

cardiovascular disease

the diabetes is not caused by eating

sugar I think what happened was he was

sick the day they talked about insulin

this is right here why sugar sweetened

beverages contribute to obesity where

intakes are high it’s probably because

it’s providing extra calories okay he

doesn’t understand insulin refocusing

dietary advice on sugar and away from

fat modification in reduction is not

helpful okay well what you need to know

about this guy is that he received four

point five million pounds for research

okay by the sugar industry okay and of

course dietitians are sponsored by the

food manufacturing companies and their

continuing educational programs okay so

that’s why the high carbs so this is

what you need to know if you are a

diabetic how to solve diabetes overnight

is just to understand several simple

links okay excess carbs equal excess

insulin which equals insulin resistance

which then causes excess insulin until

the point where the pancreas becomes

burnt out

now the insta Goes Down and that causes

diabetes okay so what do you do about it

keto and I F you guessed it right I have

a link down below check it out if you’re

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