Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Body Shape – Dr. Berg On Different Body Types | DrEricBergDC

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hey Dr. Berg here in this video we’re going to talk about how to change your

thought to change your shape we have these positive affirmations here I have

a little link below you can download them and post them on your wall and read

them over and over and over again so let’s just kind of go through these are

these are different viewpoints that you want to start shifting some of the

self-talk that you are doing maybe unknowingly or you’re unaware of it

number one if I crave I find the reason there’s always a cause for your cravings

so I don’t expect you to do any program with cravings it’s impossible if you do

a program and you get rid of cravings it’s going to be a lot easier especially

long-term the next one if weight loss is slow I cried my health very simple

weight loss is created through focusing on creating health weight is a symptom

of an unhealthy body so if you just can just each day start doing actions to

create your health you will lose the weight that happens every single time

now eating for health keeps me out of trouble again most people eat for

pleasure that puts them in trouble I had a guy

come over the last week his whole focus him and his wife they’ve been living it

up the good life for the last 20 years going out eating whatever they want well

it finally caught up with them as a fatty liver he has a lot of liver issues

and so does she so now they have to make up the damage

so really what we want to do is eat for health but you know what most people

don’t change until they have a health problem so I’m going to suggest you

learn from the mistakes of others and don’t wait until you have a health

problem I am in total control of my eating that is a very positive thing to

say versus you know I’m out of control you know you control your eating so

that’s a good affirmation I won’t start if I stop eating so when you’re full all

you have to do is stop people are not starving in Russia or whatever in China

like your parents used to tell you so that’s not really current you don’t to

worry about that people won’t starve if you you know don’t eat everything on

your plate so I always like to make sure that I put in my plate I don’t

just like fill it up huge I just make sure I put a smaller amount because I do

have a tendency to have to eat everything in my plate but I just have

to just be aware that I don’t have to eat everything on my plate I can stop

eating when I’m full it’s okay all right next one I built self-discipline through

consistency so you actually build yourself up through winning and saying

no to this over and over again staying consistent eventually you will have a

very strong discipline if you don’t if you give in to something oh my gosh it

weakens you over and over and over and over so stay consistent I only put

healthy things in my body right so just focus on that that’s a very good healthy

thing to do I can lose weight as I get healthy so again don’t focus on the

weight loss focus on the health and the weight loss comes off as a gradual

consequence of getting healthy it’s kind of a redundant one to this one over here

but I just want to put it in there to you know stick it in there all right if

things don’t work I find out why so here’s the thing there’s always a reason

there’s always a reason why you might not be losing I’ll give you an example

some people are not losing because they’re gaining and healing their muscle

density that has to heal before they can even lose weight some people they have

to fix the sleep before they lose weight some people have to get healthy and that

means that fix the liver or these other body issues before they lose the way so

just try to stand back and go you know what why there’s must be a reason why

I’m not losing weight and don’t give up search for it

try to understand the problem deeper next one if things get complex I

simplified anything complex is a lie everything that’s simple tends to be

truthful so I always like to break this down into the smallest component part

okay I have a salad over there I put it in my mouth I chew it I eat it that

creates health okay oh I just keep it really really basic all the time I have

this list one late older I eat some kale she’s like well when do I have to eat it

do I have to cook it what about if it’s not raw what do I have to spice it do it

no that’s complex just eat it you know keep it simple trying to be so complex

about it all right overwhelmed means I need to plan more

there’s a hidden step with losing weight and that has to do with the

organizational step or planning step before you even do the actions of losing

weight especially when it comes down to eating you have to plan the whole week

out very important not just jump in there and start doing it the more

planning the more simple steps when you plan you have to put really small little

baby steps in sequence and focus on the doing this so everything’s planned out

for the week so you don’t catch yourself Wednesday like starving and having to go

to McDonald’s so you want to plan more especially if you get overwhelmed

keep it simple as well okay when tempted I find a substitute now there’s certain

things that you go you gravitate to maybe ice cream or bread or chocolate

whatever make sure those foods are in your house but a substitute version of

them they have chocolate with stevia we have recipes on the site for all sorts

of cookies there’s a pizza recipe I’m going to come up with an ice cream

alternative recipe there’s ice cream at the store that you can get that has no

sugar there’s so many alternatives you’ve got to focus on the substitutes

for the things that you really gravitate to all right last one I’m not a victim

I’m cause I caused my health so basically if you keep that that’s like

the most important one you cause your health if you have a health problem or

if you have a weight problem look at it from the viewpoint of there’s something

I must have done or something that happened to me that created this I don’t

just end up like this overnight because that empowers you because if you are a

victim of something then you can’t do anything about it because this other

thing over here is causing the problem take full responsibility for your own

health and you will be empowered by doing that so download this this little

one pager and read it every single day you