How To Get Rid Of Hangover Instantly? – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so this video we’re gonna talk about how

to get rid of a hangover okay let’s say

you have a headache you feel nauseous

you don’t feel very good in the brain so

when you drink alcohol the alcohol is

mainly absorbed in the stomach it goes

to the liver there’s an enzyme that

breaks alcohol down into another

compound actually two different

compounds one is called acetyl aldehyde

and the other one is called acetate

which is similar to vinegar now this

chemical byproduct is very toxic it’s 30

times more toxic than the alcohol this

is what creates the damage to the liver

and to the rest of the body and this is

what’s giving you the symptoms of

alcohol it’s not really the alcohol

itself it’s this by-product now the more

the liver is deficient in glutathione

which is a very powerful antioxidant

that is supposed to help you neutralize

this the more this builds up the more

side effects you’re going to have all

right so that’s one situation that’s

happening the second thing is that

alcohol decreases a very specific amino

acid called glutamine what happens then

as your body starts making more

glutamine it’s called glutamine rebound

and when that spikes because it’s a

stimulant it’s gonna prevent you from

getting into the deep delta-wave sleep

so you’re when you wake up you’re not

gonna feel rejuvenated you’re gonna wake

up with a headache you’re gonna feel

very funky you’re gonna feel fatigued

you’re probably gonna have anxiety and

even want to vomit because your body is

trying to get rid of this toxic chemical

all right so now the question is what

can you do naturally to minimize the

damage and quickly get rid of this side

effects okay there’s a certain vitamin

that will do it and that is vitamin b1

thiamine thymine helps to neutralize

this toxic chemical it also helps to

balance out glutamine so you want to

take the b1 before you go to bed and

also when you wake up to minimize the

damage control because b1 protects the

cell specifically the mitochondria

against oxidation now of course there’s

a dehydration effect too so you’re going

to drink more water

I also recommend

taking vitamin C in a whole food form or

foods high in vitamin C I also recommend

consuming a lot of green leafy

vegetables in cruciferous because this

creates so much free radical damage that

you want to add an antioxidant from food

to help repair that damage alright guys

thanks for watching and I will see you

in the next video hey if you’re liking

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