High Doses of Vitamin D Can Deplete Magnesium | DrEricBergDC

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so today I want to touch on a very important topic vitamin D you know how

important vitamin D is for the immune system you know how important it is for

keeping calcium in the bone you also know how important it is to decrease

inflammation but it’s an immune modulator so in other words it can

control the immune system and a lot of people are taking a good amount of it

every day and that’s very very good however you need to be aware of this one

fact okay if you do large amounts of vitamin D over a period of time without

enough magnesium in your diet let’s say your magnesium deficient because you

don’t consume any vegetables and you don’t take any magnesium what happens is

higher doses of vitamin D intensifies magnesium deficiencies magnesium works

with vitamin D they work together they share the same enzymes so as you

increase vitamin D you could potentially decrease magnesium magnesium has a very

very important function of keeping calcium from accumulating inside the

cells inside the kidney and the arteries in the joints so it’s very similar to

vitamin k2 and the vitamin k2 helps keep calcium from building up in the soft

tissues the magnesium also does that as well so when you’re taking large amounts

of d3 okay without the magnesium you could end up with potentially kidney

stones or calcium buildup in the artery or calcium in the joints where it should

not be magnesium is really necessary also to activate vitamin D so they work

together so if you’re consuming a good amount of vegetables every day you have

nothing to worry about or if you’re taking a good magnesium supplement you

don’t have to worry about it this is just for the people that are not taking

magnesium or not consuming vegetables and all of a sudden you end up with a

health problem because you didn’t connect the dots and also vitamin

B6 is very very important in this mechanism as well because it too is a

cofactor and it helps these to work so if your diet is fairly healthy you don’t

really have to worry about this but if you’re doing let’s say unhealthy foods

or you’re doing dirty keto now and you’re not somehow getting enough b6 that could

be another problem as well b6 works together with these two

nutrients I think the biggest danger is if you’re not taking enough magnesium

and you’re a stone former and you take a lot of vitamin D because you have low

back pain or something like that over a long period of time you could increase

your risk of kidney stones I’m just bringing this point up if you’re in this

situation so you can actually supply your body with enough magnesium if

you’re consuming at least 7 cups of vegetables a day you have nothing to

worry about that’s gonna be enough magnesium most of the magnesium is in

leafy greens it’s in some nuts but it’s the at the center of chlorophyll and

that’s the green of the plant if you’ve been watching my videos and applying my

information which I’m sure you are 100% of the time you have nothing to worry

about and if you haven’t seen my video on

magnesium I put it right here check it out