If You HAD to Pick One: Stroke or Heart Attack? | DrEricBergDC

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if you had the pick between a stroke or a heart  attack which one would you rather have now of  

course you wouldn’t want either but if you had to  pick one which one would you rather have but go  

ahead and tell me in the comments down below i’m  very curious a stroke is basically either a clot  

or plaquing that has dislodged somewhere in your  body either in the carotid arteries through here  

or the heart and it’s gone up into your brain and  it’s stopping blood flow now the heart attack we  

have a clot or a plaque that’s stopping blood  flow in the heart muscle so in reality a stroke  

and a heart attack is really the exact same thing  but in different locations in the body now for me  

i would much rather have a heart attack than a  stroke because having half of your body being  

paralyzed and then having your spouse drag you  around clean you bathe you take you everywhere  

oh my gosh that would be such a burden on your  spouse and to be trapped in a body where half of  

your body is non-functional would be literally  torture now with a heart attack which has a 12  

mortality versus a stroke which has a 28 mortality  we have become really good at keeping people alive  

so when people have a heart attack there’s really  great emergency care that can recover a person  

but the number one cause of death is a heart  attack and with a stroke that’s the fifth cause  

of death now they use this acronym for a stroke  so f would be your face is drooping on one side  

you’re losing muscle control and a would stand for  your arm on one side being weak or even paralyzed  

and then we have s for speech difficulty you’re  splurring you can’t really articulate as well  

and then you have tea for  time there’s no time for waste  

if someone has a stroke you want to call 9-1-1  get them into the hospital so they can quickly  

give you a certain medication to dissolve the  clot usually you have up to six hours but the  

sooner the better now what’s really  bizarre about a heart attack is 48  

of the us population has a heart problem and  many times they don’t even know it all right  

so you can get all these tests done and you  can get your arteries scoped and you should  

you should get a test called the cac it stands  for coronary artery calcification test or skin  

it’s a quick test to measure how much calcium is  in the artery and it’s one of the best predictors  

of heart attacks and obviously if there’s calcium  there’s plaquing and some of that plaque can  

get dislodged and travel up to your brain but  the underlying mechanism the root cause for both  

of these problems is exactly the same because  they both originate in the heart well sometimes  

a stroke can originate from problems in your  carotid arteries through your in your neck through  

here but most of the time it actually comes from  your heart you have this piece of plaque that  

dislodges from the heart goes up to the brain so  the mechanism is this you have inflammation in the  

inside of your arteries which is then creating a  compensatory or compensating reaction where your  

body is going to try to heal with a band-aid  the body’s band-aid is calcium cholesterol  

and certain proteins like fibrous tissue and that  inflammation if you’ve been watching my videos  

is either coming from the over consumption of  the bad carbs refined carbohydrates and sugar  

or too many omega-6 fatty acids which is in pretty  much all the foods like the soy oil the corn oil  

the canola oil which is the majority of your salad  dressing and deep fried foods and the list goes on  

and on and on and of course we switched over to  these omega-6 fatty acids because we thought that  

saturated fats were bad for you when in fact they  are not bad for you as long as you keep your carbs  

low now let’s say for example you don’t want  to go get a test and you want other clues  

to know if you have inflammation in your  arteries number one just do this right now  

stand up and look down at your toes if you  happen to see something obstructing your view  

called your belly okay your belly sticking out  chances are you have inflammation in your arteries  

because belly fat is a symptom of too much  insulin and too much blood glucose and both  

of those are like steel wool or sandpaper  for the inside of your arteries number two  

look in the mirror at your face do you have a  swollen face look around the eyes are they puffy  

are your cheeks puffy do you have fat in your  neck it’s a really good indication that you  

have too much insulin too much blood glucose and  that means that your arteries are also inflamed  

all right number three are you a carbo junkie do  you crave carbs do you eat chips late at night do  

you always have to have a dessert do you always  have the fries when you order a hamburger do you  

basically do carbs if you do chances are you have  inflammation in the arteries now there are three  

things i’m going to recommend number one i’m going  to recommend you get some vitamin e immediately  

the type of vitamin e you need to get is called  tocatrinos okay take about 300 milligrams every  

single day and that’s going to help reduce the  oxidation or the free radicals that’s going on  

in the inside of your arteries vitamin e is the  absolute best nutrient for the heart number two  

you want to lower your carbs okay that’s called  the ketogenic plan and number three and this is  

actually just as important as number two you want  to do intermittent fasting you want to stop the  

snacking you want to skip your breakfast because  that will instantly lower the amount of insulin  

that’s being pumped through your body which i bet  anything you’ve never had that tested there’s a  

great test to do it’s called homa ir and they  usually are focused on the blood sugars but they  

don’t check the fasting insulin which is usually  high way before you have high blood glucose  

in fact it’s the thing in the background that’s  pushing your blood sugars down so when you get  

your blood sugars checked they appear to be  normal which in fact the only reason that  

they’re normal is because the insulin is so high  pushing your blood sugar down so anyway comment  

down below and tell me which condition you would  rather have if you’re forced to have either so if  

you’re enjoying my content which i hope you are  and you’re applying this knowledge to your health  

and you have a success i’d really appreciate you  sharing your success story so click the link down  

below to my website where you can upload your  success story so you can help inspire others