How to Build a Dyson Sphere - The Ultimate Megastructure | Kurzgesagt

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Human history is told by the energy we use. At first we had to use our muscles, then we learned to control fire.

We industrialized the world using coal and oil and entered the Atomic Age when we learned how to split a nucleus.

At each step, we increased our energy harvest to a scale never seen before and advanced as a species.

Currently, we’re slowly transitioning to renewables and if we’re lucky, fusion energy will become viable in the future.

As humanity progresses further, if we don’t destroy ourselves or our habitat,

we will likely gain complete control of our planet’s resources.

At that stage we’ll probably begin to look outwards for new places to expand into.

But space is hard and establishing a serious human presence in the solar system will require

ungodly amounts of energy.

Luckily, we know where to find it. The Sun - the ultimate source of energy.

A furnace 100 quintillion times more powerful than our most efficient nuclear reactor.

It shines with the energy of a trillion nuclear bombs per second.

So, how do we get this energy? Not some of it, all of it.

If we want to collect the most energy physically possible, we’ll have to build the largest most

ambitious structure in the universe.

The Dyson Sphere, a megastructure that encompasses a whole star to capture its power output.

For an intelligent species, building a Dyson Sphere is a technological leap on a par with the discovery of fire for our ancestors.

The transition from a planetary species to an interstellar species. It would usher in an age of exploration and

expansion on a scale we can barely imagine.

So, what would it look like?

Solid shell enveloping the Sun is probably not the way to go a large rigid body like that would be vulnerable to impacts

possibly shattering it would be liable to drift and could crash straight into the Sun a

More, viable design for a Dyson Sphere might be a Dyson swarm an enormous set of orbiting panels that collect the sun’s power and

beam it elsewhere

such as sward would give humanity basically unlimited energy but building it won’t be easy

the Sun is very big so we need a lot of satellites if

Each satellite is a square kilometer we’d need around 30 quadrillion to surround the Sun

even if they’re built as lightly as possible we need about 100 quintillion tons of material and

Then we need the energy to actually put the parts together and deliver them to their positions around the Sun on

top of all that we need to have a permanent infrastructure set up in space to start building

let’s assume for the purposes of this video that our descendants will take care of that and want to create the mega structure

We can sort the challenges into three main categories

materials design and energy

To get the vast amounts of raw materials required for our Dyson swarm will have to largely disassemble a whole planet

Of the planets available mercury is the best candidate it’s the closest to the Sun and very metal-rich

close to the Sun


Means less moving stuff around and mercury has no atmosphere and only about a third of the surface gravity of Earth making it

comparatively easy to launch material into space

Next we should consider the design of our swarm simpler is better

Conventional solar panels are far too intricate and short lives our satellites need to operate without repairs or intervention for

astronomically long times and they need to be cheap to produce

But they’re most likely going to be enormous mirrors

which refocus sunlight to central collecting stations like in concentrated solar power on earth

to build and launch them efficiently they must be incredibly light made of little more than polished metal full bound to some supports and

Last we need the energy to build and launch the swarm itself taking a part of planets and launching things into space

requires an enormous amount of energy for example if we used all the fossil fuels and

Uranium on earth and we?

Were perfectly efficient we could only launch as much

Mass as Mount Everest into space a rather meager accomplishment compared to planetary disassembly

To get the energy needed to build a Dyson Sphere it’s almost as if you’re going to need the power output of a dyson sphere

But that’s. Ok there’s plenty of sunlight to be had on Mercury so let’s get to work

Humans are expensive to keep alive and are very sensitive to the environment

So, we’d want to automate as much as possible

Ideally we’d have a small crew of controllers who oversee an army of autonomous machines doing the actual work

There are four major pieces of technology required solar collectors miners refiners and launch equipment

the solar collectors are going to give us the energy we need to disassemble the planet

To start maybe we deploy something like one square kilometer of them either as mirrors or as traditional solar panels

they’ll provide the energy to run our miners which strip-mine the surface of the planet and our refiners which extract valuable elements and

fabricate them into our swarm satellites

to get them into space we need a creative and efficient solution

Rockets aren’t too expensive and difficult to deorbit and reuse

Instead, we’ll want to use a sort of railgun a longer

Electromagnetic track which launches our satellites at high speeds

Our swarm satellites will be packed tight for launch unfurling like an enormous origami once in orbit

from this point we can take advantage of

exponential growth using the energy of the existing parts of the swarm to build more infrastructure on Mercury and launch new panels faster and faster

each panel provides the energy to build another those to work together to build the next to

Four become eight eight become 16 and so on

within just about 60 doubling times the Sun would be completely surrounded by solar panels and

This can happen quickly if a square kilometer of solar collectors takes a month to build we could be done in a decade

if only our infrastructure on the planet’s surface can keep up with the quickly growing budget of energy

Even collecting 1% of the sun’s energy is an unbelievable change in our species energy budget

We could create the infrastructure to being basically unlimited amounts of energy around the solar system for all sorts of projects

colonies on other worlds terraforming planets

constructing more mega structures or even traveling to other stars it could be the start of an interstellar

Civilization based on physics alone this is not just possible but easy

It’s such a simple process and such a necessary step for any species to expand beyond their home planet that many astronomers

Think there are probably Dyson spheres already out there in the Milky Way we haven’t spotted any yet but they could be there

it’s far from certain that humanity will ever get to this point our attention is too often focused on short-term political gains and

Conflicts that will not matter in the long run but if we survive the challenges we’ve set ourselves

we could potentially become the first species in the universe to create a structure with the scope of a star if

We? Do it the only limitation left will be our own


We’ve just hit you with a lot of pretty wild claims and crazy concepts if

You’re like us and enjoy using the power of science to determine absurd ways to destroy stuff

you might want to hear how you can come up with something like that yourself

Brilliant is a problem-solving website that helps you learn stuff through fun puzzles that split up a complex problem into bite-sized chunks and

build up to an interesting conclusion

It helps you understand how science works by actually using it instead of just memorizing a bunch of stuff

brilliance has tons of interesting courses and puzzles on things like quantum computing astronomy and logic and even dyson sphere’s if

you visit brilliant org slash nutshell

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A bonus for cooks without viewers the first 688 people will, also get 20% off their annual membership

with brilliance you can finish each stay a little bit smarter and

Just maybe you can help to expand the human species into the universe one day

We love dyson sphere’s so much that we’ve also made a poster about them

it will look pretty on your wall but

Also has some information about the concept of a Dyson Sphere a great way to start a conversation

Or you can just stare at it and dream about the future

go get it here